Trading 212
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James from Delta
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Igor Białek (igorbialek)
Still not working, I have implemented it at my own in few hours. If you need it contact me 😉.

Michal Bujok
Igor Białek (igorbialek) Hello, how did you implemented it?

Igor Białek (igorbialek)
Michal Bujok I just connected to trading 212 through their API and from that data I created delta import file that correctly import transactions. Unfortunately there isn’t delta API that would allow me to make it fully automatic, so my script runs every week and prepares that import file for me.

Michal Bujok
After 6 months still not working.

James from Delta
Michal Bujok: Could you reach out to Support if you are experiencing issues? 9 times out of 10 we're able to resolve these with our data provider

Michal Bujok
James from Delta
I've already tried that, of course, after several weeks of correspondence. When they tried to convince me that I was entering the wrong password, didn't have time to enter the 2FA code, etc., I refuted everything and support closed it down, saying they didn't know where the problem was. When I enter the wrong password, it throws an error with the wrong password. If I don't enter 2FA, it ends up with an error too. The problem I have is that I enter everything right, I get an informational alert from the Trading 212 app that someone at UK has connected to my account (I assume Delta data center) and then the import is started. It ends up as Success. But then my Delta app is left hanging on a white screen with a spinning wheel. The only option is to turn the app off but that will lose the connection and I can do it all over again.

Michal Bujok
James from Delta Plus, if you read the comments on this page, I'm not the only one it doesn't work for. Are you really unable to simulate and fix this somehow?

Jonny Taulen
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Cameron Chisholm

Pelle van Essen
Please fix Trading212 connection

Simon Williams
Do you have to have premium sub to add T212?

Michal Bujok
Simon Williams: No, it is not working at all.

Michal Bujok
It is not working. It takes too long to connect (about 5 minutes) that it says succeded but then it still loading and don't save.

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Twan Zwart
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Alfie Longstaff

Twan Zwart
Trading 212 is now/has already been available in the app :)
Igor Gorbatschow
Twan Zwart: Login is not working. Tried several times today.

Christopher Hill
Twan Zwart: login takes to long so security code expires before you get logged in.

Michal Bujok
Twan Zwart: It is not working.
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